Laboratory of Food Microbiology and Food Safety, School of Veterinary Medicine, Rakuno Gakuen University

酪農学園大学 獣医学群       食品衛生学ユニット




PhD student

02/10/2023 13:00
PhD studentとして、FijiよりDeepika Lataがメンバーに加わりました。
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Study contents

When drug resistant bacteria increase, the medicine which I can use when I was infected with an infectious disease disappears. In late years it is argued about the risk that drug resistant bacteria derived from an edible animal transmit to a person through food flourishingly and becomes the problem. Drug resistant bacteria monitoring system (JVARM; derived from the edible animal which Ministry of Agricrulture, Forestry and Fisheries goes for from 1999 It has been gradually elucidated about the present conditions of drug resistant bacteria derived from an edible animal  and the spread by Japanese Veterinary Antiicrobial Monitoring System). However, I do not understand it well about the person of drug resistant bacteria derived from food, a companion animal and environment. I studied the resistant mechanism of drug resistant bacteria derived from the food which was not handled in JVARM, a companion animal and evironment and the quickness diagnosis method in our laboratory. As a result, it gradually becomes clear about the spread of the drug resistant bacteria except the edible animal. Therefore in late years the study leading to drug resistant bacteria measures from an epidemiology investigation reaches. 

 Study on drug resistant bacteria derived from food

I perform the resistant mechanism about drug resistant bacteria derived from food and the study on quick diagnostic method. The target species of bacteria are Escherichia coli, enterococcus, Salmonella, campylobacter,clostridia.

 Study on drug resistant bacteria derived from a companion animal

Because the companion animal associates with a person closely, a companion animal may transmit drug resistant bacteria to a person. Therefore I perform the epidemiology analysis about drug resistant bacteria derived from a companion animal. In addition, the study of the material which is effective for the bacterial infections of companion animal reaches.


Role of a hygiene insect, the animal in the drug resistant bacteria diffusion mechanism in the environment

I perform the study about the role that compost and the hygiene insect (fly in particular) carry out when existing drug resistant bacteria spread in a person and an animal during  the role environment of a hygiene insect, the animal in the drug resistant bacteria diffusion mechanism in the enviroment.

Study of the bacteriophage as drug resistant bacteria measures

As drug resistant bacteria measures derived from an animal, I perform a study for the practical use of various bacteriophages.
State of the overseas investigation (Thailand)