Laboratory of Food Microbiology and Food Safety, School of Veterinary Medicine, Rakuno Gakuen University

酪農学園大学 獣医学群       食品衛生学ユニット



畜産ナビに臼井が解説をした記事が掲載されました。乳房炎について学ぶ【第3回】 世界と日本の薬剤耐性菌問題について
About usに食品衛生学ユニットの歴史をアップしました。また、publication listを更新しました。


10/12/2021 08:57
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About Us

The food hygiene unit was boon as one education unit of the veterinarian public health classroom in April,2008

Food is essential for us humans to live healthily. Veterinarians often have many opportunities to be involved in food hygiene, making it one of the important topics within veterinary medicine 

It becomes the purpose of the food hygiene to guarantee to possess food not giving healthy damege to Homo sapiens and quality as the food. Therefore,a purpose and the study of the unitbecome the thing mainly on the food hygiene, too.

The unit is run by a associate professor (Masaru Usui) and an assisitant professor (Akira Fukuda).

Besides, in the epidemiologic study of drug resistant bacteria,little food and environment (including a wild animal and the stock raising waste) of investigation results carry out the resistant bacteria epidemiology investigation of the companion animal until now, and the mainstudy theme makes an effort for the elucidation of the spread course to Homo sapiens in a viewpoint called the circulation of resistant vacteria by the ecosystem.

Furthermore,the study about the elucidation of the mechanism to lead to resistant bacteria measures goes without remaining in the actual situation elucidation of resistant bacteria.

The characteristic of the study goes to the foreign countries investigation in what I push forward in the collaborative investigation with domestic and foreign universities and research organizations.

Through a graduation thesis study , I hope that students feeling, "the study is interesting"  increase.