Laboratory of Food Microbiology and Food Safety, School of Veterinary Medicine, Rakuno Gakuen University

酪農学園大学 獣医学群       食品衛生学ユニット




08/01/2021 11:18
臼井が福岡県"One Health"国際フォーラム2021(1/30〜)の分科会で講演を行います。


28/09/2020 07:38
10/22; 第69回日本感染症学会東日本地方会学術集会、第67回日本化学療法学会東日本支部総会@ウェブで臼井がシンポジウム12「環境からヒトの生活に侵入する病原微生物」を企画、座長を行いま


31/08/2020 06:31
9/12; 第23回日本臨床腸内微生物学会@大宮で臼井がシンポジウム講演を行います。


31/08/2020 06:30
8/21 第94回 日本感染症学会において臼井がシンポジウム講演(オンライン)を行いました。
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Teacher introduction

An associate professor: Usui Masaru  ←blog(irregular diary)

I study it as a big theme "how the animal including the person goes out with drug resistant bacteria" because I feel the difficulty of issue of drug resistant bacteria measures and the importance.

Specifically, I want to push forward a study using molecular biologic technique mainly to clarify expession mechanism and the spread course of drug resistant bacteria.

In addition, the study of persister in the biofilm which led to the appearance of drug resistant bacteria started.

Of course, through a study, what want to contribute to the society wants to convey excitement who can feel it by studying the creature including the microbe to student.

The hobby watches a game of the competition in overall sports.

Assistant professor: Akira Fukuda

A professor emeritus : Yutaka Tamura  ← columns 

Graduate student ,undergraduate introduction

Graduate student

Research worker

Itsumi Kudo


6years:Fuuka Kominami、Tomoharu Uchiyama、Yuka Shiono、Nanami Oobayashi、Kazusa Szuki、Masatoshi Enami

5years : Chou Tousyou、 Takeiti  Kouki、 Nakano  Hitomi、 Tsunasima  Ryu、 Hidano  Takumi 

State of the experiment in the laboratory

Party after the 158th veterinarian society (combination with the Kitasato Univ. person beast common infectious disease seminar)