Laboratory of Food Microbiology and Food Safety, School of Veterinary Medicine, Rakuno Gakuen University

酪農学園大学 獣医学群       食品衛生学ユニット



論文がいくつかアクセプトされたので、publication listを更新しました。


10/01/2020 14:50


21/11/2019 13:42
12/6; 第9回家畜感染症学会@北海道大学農学部で臼井が教育講演を行います。


13/11/2019 16:05
11/20; アグリビジネス創出フェア2019@東京ビッグサイトにおいて臼井が令和元年「若手農林水産研究者表彰」の受賞式に出席します。


04/11/2019 09:19
11/12; 日仏セミナー「これからの微生物」@国立国際医療研究センターにおいて臼井が講演を行います。  


04/11/2019 09:18
11/8; 九州地区獣医師会学会 ランチョンセミナーで臼井が講演を行います。
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Teacher introduction

An associate professor: Usui Masaru  ←blog(irregular diary)

I study it as a big theme "how the animal including the person goes out with drug resistant bacteria" because I feel the difficulty of issue of drug resistant bacteria measures and the importance.

Specifically, I want to push forward a study using molecular biologic technique mainly to clarify expession mechanism and the spread course of drug resistant bacteria.

In addition, the study of persister in the biofilm which led to the appearance of drug resistant bacteria started.

Of course, through a study, what want to contribute to the society wants to convey excitement who can feel it by studying the creature including the microbe to student.

The hobby watches a game of the competition in overall sports.

Assistant professor: Akira Fukuda

Drug-resistant bacteria are now everywhere, and there is a reason for their continued existence, so my research focuses on "understanding the current state of resistant bacteria and considering ways to control them."

As a veterinarian at the School of Veterinary Medicine, I am faced with the problem of resistant bacteria, which is a large and complex issue that spans various fields (animals, the environment, and humans). Within that, it is a theme that allows me to feel the joy of overcoming the issue by working together while understanding each other's fields.

Study hard (research) and play hard!

I hope to grow together with my students with this motto in mind.

A professor emeritus : Yutaka Tamura  ← columns 

Graduate student ,undergraduate introduction

Graduate students

Shingo Okamura, Deepika Lata

Undergraduate students

6th year: Shiori Tsuji, Kento Kogure, Hiroto Hojo, Mioko Kobayashi, Yuma Furuya, Kaho Okawa

5th year: Kohei Toriyama, Yuuka Miyagi, Kotoha Kato, Asur Noda, Kotono Terao, Michihide Takeda

4th year: Hisaaki Goto, Mao Nishikawa, Tomomi Watanabe, Mizuki Matsui, Yuto Ochiai, Yumi Nakayama

State of the experiment in the laboratory

Party after the 158th veterinarian society (combination with the Kitasato Univ. person beast common infectious disease seminar)